Faroe Islands

September 15, 2012  •  1 Comment



What a great day!!  The Faroe Islands are absolutely stunning!  I would love to spend several days here just doing photography…the massive hillsides gently slanting towards the ocean, the beautiful green grass, the wonderful wooden fishing boats.  What a treasure trove!


Our day started somewhat abruptly with an announcement from the captain that there had been a serious accident.  Our ship had snagged a power line coming into the harbor and part of an antenna on the mast had broken off.  The falling debris had injured a crew member who had been evacuated to a local hospital.  All the info and charts available indicated there was a 60 meter clearance under the power lines, and the ship is only 54 meters, so all should have been fine - but one of the three power lines was sagging for some reason, and thus caught on the antenna.  The power line did not come down, and with the crew working all day, we were able to sail away from the Faroe Islands toward Iceland with only a one hour delay.  A later report from the captain indicated the crew member was doing OK, no surgery would be needed, and he was coherent and communicating.  Unfortunately, we would be leaving him behind to recuperate .


Rich and I had hired a private car and driver for the day, so we could make more stops for photography, and we thoroughly enjoyed the day.  We saw charming villages, stunning vistas, fishing boats, a church dating back to 1100, the oldest farmhouse in the islands, and absolutely beautiful scenery everywhere.








Our "be on board" time was 5:30, and just to be safe, I had asked our driver to have us back at 5:00.  I know that if you book an excursion privately (not through the cruise line) they have no responsibility to wait for you if you are late, and I sure didn't want to have to figure out how to get from the Faroe Islands to Iceland on our own!  Unfortunately, our driver somehow misjudged the time, and it became a mad dash to the ship at the end of the afternoon…with my stomach churning we arrived at the gangway at 5:28!!   I think we might have been the last two passengers to reboard the ship. Not the way I like to run my life!  Guess I missed the adventure gene along the way.  Then, after all that stress, the captain announced a one hour delay for our departure to finish repairs.  No matter, we had a terrific day and I would love to come back here again.


Love your story of your day on Faroe Island! And yes, knowing you, I would imagine you would have been a bit frantic just barely making it in time to the ship! LOL...nice pics too, CJ!
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