Architecture or Tree Bark???

July 29, 2019  •  1 Comment


Our friend, Carol Leigh, spent a week with us in San Diego recently.  We planned on just hanging out, and taking occasional outings with our cameras.  However, as the temperatures began to rise, our desire to be outside taking pictures rapidly diminished.  Carol especially is a bit of a heat wimp...she's used to the mild to cool temps of the Pacific northwest, so anything above 65 qualifies as hot for her.

On Tuesday morning we got an early start to avoid the heat and bright sun and headed out to the Presidio,  We had slightly different goals for the morning.  I love taking images of architectural detail, so I headed for the beautiful white arches, while Carol is currently into abstract macro images of tree bark.  She's especially taken with the colors and patterns to be found on eucalyptus tree trunks.

Accordingly, I spent a good deal of time around the chapel...

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While I was taking these images, Carol was climbing around the hillside stalking colorful eucalyptus bark with interesting patterns.  She got some wonderful shots, which I envy.  I did try a few, but I obviously have a lot to learn, and I probably need a little more patience as well.




Once Carol was finished, and I had reached my frustration level with the tree bark, we called it quits and headed out to the Original Pancake House and introduced Carol to the wonderfulness of a Dutch Baby Pancake.  


Carol Leigh(non-registered)
A "heat wimp?" A HEAT WIMP?! Harrumph. I will NOT refer to your donning a sweater if the temperature lowers below 78 degrees, madam . . . not me . . . nope, not going there . . . When they go low, I go high! Heh, heh . . .

So now that I've glanced at my eucalyptus bark pictures, I see that my best one is of a June bug that was buzzing around in the lower 40 of the euc grove . . .

Guess I should have stayed in the "shallow end" with you and taken architectural shots -- because yours are exquisite! Beautifully done and you should be proud. Major kudos to you.

Heat wimp, my a** . . . :-)
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